Sunday, 27 November 2011

Seasons Badge

At the moment we are working on our Seasons badge. We have done this before, but not with any of the current Brownies. Last time, we did Autumn - Kestrel made up a booklet and we had activities to work through. It went quite well but there was a bit too much reading for the younger girls, so this time we are doing things a bit differently.

Last week, each Six worked on a small booklet about a winter festival from a different culture. Each booklet had some information, a colouring page, a wordsearch or crossword and an activity. For Diwali, the activity was an acrostic poem with the word FIREWORKS. K was a difficult word to think of, Brown Owl and Kestrel couldn't think of anything but one of the Brownies from another six came up with Kaboom!! Perfect. The Rabbits were working on Chinese new year and their activity was to find out which sign of the zodiac everyone else was. We had lots of Horses, Brown Owl is an Ox and Kestrel is a Tiger. grrrrrrrr. They finished their booklet quickly so also made some paper lanterns. Lastly the Foxes were working on Kwanzaa and made a woven mat. When we were having a little presentation we found out that a lot of the Brownies had learnt a Swahili song in school so they sang it to us, it was beautiful :)

Next week we will be playing some fun games to do with staying safe in the dark. This time last year Edinburgh was knee-deep in snow and all of the Schools were closed. Luckily we haven't had any snow yet! It's very cold though. Brr.

Until next time,

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