Welcome Brownies!
Please read the Web Safe Code on your sheet and sign it.
Go to the Brownie website at www.girlguiding.org.uk/brownies.
Find someone famous who has been a Brownie
Which badge has a dolphin on it?
Write the answers on your sheet.Show a leader how to save a site as a bookmark
Go to scrapcoloring.com/first-name-coloring-page
Type your name into the box which says "Second line" and click "Submit Query"
Colour in your name! We will print it out later.Save your work (get a leader to check)
Go to Google www.google.com and search for one of the following:
* your favourite pop star
* a historical figure
* a sport you are interested in
* a country you would like to visit
Write something about it on your sheet.* a historical figure
* a sport you are interested in
* a country you would like to visit
Read about computer viruses and be careful when using the internet!
A computer virus is a small program which spreads from one computer to another and stops your computer working properly.
A virus is most easily spread by attachments in emails. This is why you should never click an attachment if you don’t know who sent you the email. You can protect your computer by making sure you have an anti-virus program and by not downloading anything from places you don’t trust.
Please leave me a comment!
If you have time and your sheet has been checked, head back to the Brownie website and have a go at some of the games.
Well done!
Flat Brownie