Saturday, 23 June 2012

Nearly end of term!

Hello everyone!

Not many posts over the last few weeks because we've not been doing anything unusual..! We have 6 girls being enrolled next week, so they've been working towards that. Older girls have been doing handbook work and pack holiday planning and we've been trying to learn some new songs :)

At our last meeting we had an infestation of ants in our hall!! There was surprisingly little screaming but it meant we couldn't sit on the floor all evening. I hope they've gone next week when we have the parents visiting for the enrollments!

More about enrollments and pack holiday planning next time :)


Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Jubilee Beacon

Kestrel and some Brownies

getting started

11 of our Brownies, Brown Owl and Kestrel went with a bus full of other Brownies and Guides to the Jubilee Beacon last night. It was very exciting! We sang a lot of songs and learnt a few new ones. Our Brownies were still singing on the walk back to the bus!
My new favourite song is Alive, Alert, Awake