Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Police Visit

Brown Owl arranged with the local police station that we went for a visit! The community officer doesn't normally work at the time we have Brownies, so thank you to him for rearranging for us :)

We had a tour of the station, got locked in the cells, learnt about interview rooms (and the big red panic button), tried on the heavy, heavy uniform and had a go in the police van! Both Kestrel and Merlin took some pictures, so here's a selection...

did you know the toilet only flushes from the outside?

these 2 asked about 40 questions each during the hour we were there!

this is everyone except Merlin

All of the equipment is heavy

usually only one person is in the back there, but we can take 6 Brownies away at once!

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Quick activity

I'm not sure where on the internets I read this activity, but thank you whoever it was!

Kestrel is part of the Edinburgh county team for Together 2012 - a camp for Brownies and Guides aged 8-12. This camp is going to be a lot of fun, it's 2 nights indoors and 2 outdoors, we will get to meet Brownies and Guides from all over Scotland and get to visit Netherud.

6 Brownies and 6 Guides from across Edinburgh are getting to go, but most of them don't know us, or each other, so we had a get-to-know-you/information evening a few weeks ago. Everyone was squashed in a little room with all of the parents, coffee, tea and juice, name badges, a chocolate fountain which didn't work (Kestrel was in charge of that, oops) and 3 of the 4 Edinburgh leaders who are going on the camp!

It was lovely meeting everyone and the parents, let's hope they are all still happy about going! The meeting was only for an hour, but there was a little ice-breaker activity for the girls: a marshmallow tower building competition!

There are suggestions on the internet to do this with marshmallows and spaghetti, but this version used cocktail sticks. There were about 10 marshmallows and 20 cocktail sticks per group and they had about 10 minutes to make the tallest tower which stood up by itself!

One of the groups had an interesting technique of breakign up the marshmallows and having some sort of sticky goo tower, it came second inn the end (just!). It's more difficult than itt looks!

here is the winner

PS the chocolate fountain wasn't a total disaster, it turned into a chocolate fondue instead!

Thursday, 22 March 2012

World Guiding - International Camp

As part of our World Guiding badge, we had to
Talk with someone who has been abroad with Girlguiding UK

Our ex-young leader (now a Leader with Guides) went on an International camp to Hong Kong during the Christmas holidays, and she kindly agreed to come along and chat with us about it, and she brought loads of things to show us!

The postcard below is actually from Vietnam, it's one of our exchange swaps, we were talking about them at the same time :) We actually had a Hong Kong exchange, so we were able to see on the map (I'll post that some other time) where it was in the world!

Cool camp blanket! International camping sounds like a lot of fun, but they tried lots of strange food, not sure I could manage that. We each got given one of the tartan friendship pins, since there were some left over.

It was great having someone different to chat to during the meeting, and the Brownies all had lots of interesting questions and comments. Thank you!!

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Odd Post

Merlin just sent me a bunch of photos, so here's a good one from the Christmas party! More posts to come soon :)